Worship Services and Events at West 58th St Church of God
Sunday School ~ 9:15 AM
Sunday: Morning Worship ~ 10:30 AM
Rock 58.5 Kids Church ~ 10:30 AM
Nursery Available during Morning Worship
Wednesday ~ Prayer ~ 6:00 PM
Wednesday: Mid-week Connection ~ 7:00 PM
We have a class for all ages.
At W58th we strive to reflect God's love as we extend help to others. Our goal is to provide opportunities for our church family to grow as individuals and as followers of Christ.
Check our calendar for services and events and come join us. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Wednesday night Bible teaching @ 7 PM
Active Women’s group meets the third Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM.

The Rep ~ Student Ministry for teens in
grades 6-12 ~ Wednesday @ 7 PM

Kidz 4 Christ ~ Student Ministry ages 7-9
Wednesday @ 7 PM
Both groups are taught the WORD while enjoying music, games, drama, etc. Fun activities and outings are scheduled throughout the year.

Rock 58.5 ~ Children’s Ministry ~ During Sunday Morning Worship at 10:30 our children enjoy a service geared around their age group that is filled with lots of activities to keep them engaged and learning.

The Homeless Shelters are visited the third Saturday of each month.

Our Food Bank Ministry distributes Food the third Saturday of each month from 9:00 AM—Noon.
Food is also made available for emergency situations.